1. Form teams of minimum 2 players in each.
2. Each team takes one minute long turns to explain as many words on the cards as possible.
3. A team chooses a player to explain words on the cards, without using the taboo words, to the other team members.
4. Team members try to guess the word that is being explained to them.
5. If they guess correctly, they keep the card and continue with the next card.
6. If they don`t know the word, they can pass and move to the next card. Both parts of the team can pass, the explainer and guesser.
7. If the explainer uses a taboo word, the card is passed and player moves to the next card.
8. The turn is stopped after one minute and the other team takes their turn.
9. The game is over when there are no cards left.
10. The winner is the team with the most cards guessed.
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